9 feb kmrn genep deh umur 22...
tapi tetep deh asik aja...
yang nggak disangka dan dinyana sahabat2ku (meskipun nggak smua) nyempetin bgt ngasi surprise dan dtg kerumah!! euuuwww.... terharu....
simple, tapi sumpah bikin terharu.... meskipun masih muka - muka bantal (secara belum mandi bok, mana pagi pula).... mreka tuh masuk rumah nggak ada suaranya bok! mendadak muncuulll gitu aja, like a fallen stars! )opo see...?? hhahaaa Terharu!! love u all besties... (ki-ka : silpy, cece, ME, Poni, tyty)
trus juga keluarga besar yang udah ngucapin ama ngedoain plus had some fun! really love you all,, smooch!!!
kalo foto dibawah ini agak antik critanya,,,, critanya nii bday card dari my bestski, jadi dia tiba2 aja gitu stgh 11 malem muncul ddpn rumah scra tidak jelas!! hihii.. but i really really terharu loo sahabat!!! =D.. ( bday present yang nyeleneh dari Bestski suNjeblesh aka Rudhyni. tapi bikin terharu.. tenkiuw my kancaplekk)
Can't ask for nothing more than Alhamdulillah ya Allah, for such a great life with a great bestfriends, big family..... u all made my day!!!
Friday, February 19, 2010
surprise kmaren
Thursday, February 18, 2010
It Is
Everything is possible for those who believe ..
so keep on believing and reaching ur dream mates!
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
still have not
well i guess my room is done from its renovation..
but i still have (not) taken the picture...
be patients,
as soon as i back to Surabaya i'll post it.. *i guess
have a great day mates
Monday, February 15, 2010
here i am
J a k a r t a
Spending my vacation time!
And time to explore it!
happy vacation ya'all
Tuesday, February 9, 2010
Today is my day!
Happy birthday to Me... just wanna say bunches of thank you to Allah SWT, for this blessing life, blessing birthday... Alhamdulillah! say thank yo to all of my big family, my bestfriends (they gave me surprise! woohoo), and friends who care to say birthday wishes for me... you all make my day!!
Love, xoxo
Friday, February 5, 2010
for me,,,
family, bestfriends, friends are my everything...
they'are my nerve, my blood, my world...
please, don't leave me all alone..